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1 Screenshot

About This File


  • Change Speed limits on roads and highways

  • Displays speeds in kph and mph

  • You must open the tool from the hookui button (backpack) before selecting a road/highway.



Edited by Klabbersack

What's New in Version 0.1.2   See changelog



  • Fixed bug for when road was set to 0 speed, you could not change it again.
  • Changed lowest speed possible to 1
  • Change unselected speed to -1


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· Edited by Xeventi

   0 of 1 member found this review helpful 0 / 1 member

Prędkość ustawiona na 200 a urządzenie jadą jakby ograniczające 50 

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   0 of 1 member found this review helpful 0 / 1 member

Unfortunately, the speed limit shown on the selected road will not change, otherwise it appears to work.

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