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Unlock All Tiles 1.0.0

   (2 reviews)

1 Screenshot

About This File

This mod by Wayzware unlocks all 529 tiles on Cities Skylines II maps, reducing their cost to $0.
You can access these tiles for "purchase" after reaching the first XP milestone.
It works on both new and established saves.



  • This mod requires BepInEx 
  • Just place the mod .dll or the mod folder in ...\Cities Skylines II\BepInEx\plugins\
  • When launching the game, mods will load automatically


Github: Wayzware

What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


  • Game no longer behaves as if more tiles are available for purchase after unlocking all 529
  • Added BepInEx 5 version
  • Love 1

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Does someone knows if it would be eventually possible to extend to more than the 529 tiles ?

I love to develop a map like a region :)

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On 1/4/2024 at 2:33 PM, Lunik said:

Does someone knows if it would be eventually possible to extend to more than the 529 tiles ?

I love to develop a map like a region :)

that depend on paradox that created the game, because you cant physicly buy more than 529 if they will open the map more and made that larger than yes :)

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