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Unlock All Tiles 1.0.0

   (2 reviews)

1 Screenshot

About This File

This mod by Wayzware unlocks all 529 tiles on Cities Skylines II maps, reducing their cost to $0.
You can access these tiles for "purchase" after reaching the first XP milestone.
It works on both new and established saves.



  • This mod requires BepInEx 
  • Just place the mod .dll or the mod folder in ...\Cities Skylines II\BepInEx\plugins\
  • When launching the game, mods will load automatically


Github: Wayzware

What's New in Version 0.0.2   See changelog


  • No changes in mod gameplay behavior
  • Code no longer has direct references to Unity or game libraries
  • Love 1

User Feedback

You may only provide a review once you have downloaded the file.

   3 of 4 members found this review helpful 3 / 4 members

I saw it and tested it straight away. 
Works wonderfully on version 1.0.14f1.
Many thanks for this excellent mod. 

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Just awesome! Working great, didn't see any performance lags, 5/5. Just follow the instructions: you should install the mod called BepInEx. It's very easy – just drop it into the game folder where the exe is, start the game. After this, open the BepInEx folder, go to plugins, and extract the zip file of that mod. Reopen the game, and it's working! Just awesome – you saved my city. I built a city, and then I realized that I can place something good on mountains because there is snow, unlike on the other map. However, I wasted all my area purchases, so that mod saved me! I'm recommending it. (my english not that good so i fixed with chatgpt) im not robot :D

all open.png

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