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Traffic Lights Improvement 0.2.18-alpha

   (9 reviews)

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About This File


Traffic Light Improvements

  • Converts all traffic lights in the city to a split phasing system
  • Please toggle existing traffic lights after installing the mod



  1. Install BepInEx 5 or BepInEx 6

    • Download BepInEx and unzip all contents into the game's installation directory, typically C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Cities Skylines II

    • The installation directory should now include the BepInEx folder, doorstop_config.ini, winhttp.dll

  2. Download the mod and place the folder in the Cities Skylines II/BepInEx/plugins folder

  3. Launch the game, mods should be loaded automatically.


How To use

  1. Open the Roads Tool, switch to the Road Services tab, and select "Traffic Lights"
  2. A small window should appear in the top-left corner of your screen
  3. Select the signal mode you prefer

  4. Move your cursor to any existing junction and press the left mouse button, just like how you activate traffic lights within the game

  5. The selected traffic lights system should now operate in your chosen mode

I've got the permission to upload this mod.


What's New in Version 0.2.18-alpha   See changelog



Cities saved in this version will not load in v0.2.9 or earlier versions of this mod.

Please back up your saves before upgrading.


  • Updated to be compatible with version 1.0.19f1


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User Feedback

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It is fully functioning again for me. Once again many thanks to the creator. Not sure if it is mentioned before but i also use it to give my lanes directions and then disable trafficlights again.  Amazing how it changes the flow of traffic.

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I have the mod installed and it seems to work, but the traffic doesn't flow when green... And the graphics show green even then it isn't supposed to. I have for example set "Always Green Right-Turns", but the cars on the right lane doesn't drive until cars in all lanes drive.


Any ideas?

Edited by johstrom
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Sylth posted the following two days ago:



Hello everyone,

I would like to update you on when this mod will be updated and its potential publication on PDX Mods.

Unfortunately, I am currently abroad in a timezone ahead of Europe. The beach properties update will be released at midnight my time, preventing me from working on it immediately. However, I aim to provide an update as soon as possible.

I plan to migrate the mod to the official platform once I have access to the modding toolchain, which will be available to me at the same time as it is to everyone else. Still, no real progress should be expected until I return home in the first week of April.

I recognise this may inconvenience players who have put their trust in me by installing the mod. I sincerely apologise and will endeavour to address the situation promptly.

Thank you for your understanding.




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