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Traffic Lights Improvement 0.2.18-alpha

   (9 reviews)

1 Screenshot

About This File


Traffic Light Improvements

  • Converts all traffic lights in the city to a split phasing system
  • Please toggle existing traffic lights after installing the mod



  1. Install BepInEx 5 or BepInEx 6

    • Download BepInEx and unzip all contents into the game's installation directory, typically C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Cities Skylines II

    • The installation directory should now include the BepInEx folder, doorstop_config.ini, winhttp.dll

  2. Download the mod and place the folder in the Cities Skylines II/BepInEx/plugins folder

  3. Launch the game, mods should be loaded automatically.


How To use

  1. Open the Roads Tool, switch to the Road Services tab, and select "Traffic Lights"
  2. A small window should appear in the top-left corner of your screen
  3. Select the signal mode you prefer

  4. Move your cursor to any existing junction and press the left mouse button, just like how you activate traffic lights within the game

  5. The selected traffic lights system should now operate in your chosen mode

I've got the permission to upload this mod.


What's New in Version 0.2.3-alpha   See changelog



This update changes the save file format. Although it is intended to be compatible with older saves, cities saved in the new format will not load in v0.2.2 or earlier versions of this mod.

Please back up your saves before upgrading.


  • Fixed an issue preventing users from setting lane directions at junctions with parallel roads (Credit: beVistum, Bruceyboy24804)

  • Updated to be compatible with version 1.0.15f1

Known Issues

  • Lane Direction Tool

    • Does not support merge lanes

    • Does not support roundabouts

    • When an entire direction is banned, some traffic may still proceed through the banned direction

  • Pedestrian traffic lights may not operate as expected when the "Always Green Left/Right-Turns" option is active

    • This option can prevent some pedestrian signals from turning green, so an exclusive pedestrian phase has been added to every cycle


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User Feedback

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   5 of 5 members found this review helpful 5 / 5 members

Thank you very much. It does miracles.












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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Best mod so far.  Must have this now, can't live without it.  Wish it would auto-update but I guess that's coming soon.

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Version 1.2 helps a lot to get traffic under control👍

Response from the author:

And 1.3 just got released with a new option. 😋

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Works now with BepInEx 6 very good.

Menu ingame is easy to see and more easy to use.

Atm the best trafficlight mod.

  • Laugh 1
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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member



Thanks It works

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

@Siggi, thank you. My CSII was very poor and the traffic was well saved. Keep doing well!!!

  • Care 2
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· Edited by whyper


It  does ` nt  work in the last 1.0.18.F1 under BepInEx 6 or somebody knows any conflicts ?

Bevor it is perfect.

Perhaps it is possible to write in the Changelog for which Version of CSII it will be. 

Thank for your work.

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· Edited by Simulz


우측통행 기준.

  • 삼거리에서 횡단보도가 없는데도 불필요한 직진 대기가 있음.
  • Always Green Checked
    • 옵션을 켰는데도 고속도로에서 일반도로로 상시 우회전을 하지 않음. 신호는 초록색임.
    • 우회전이 2개 차로인 경우에도 우회전을 하지 않음. 신호는 초록색임.
    • 교통법규상 좌회전이 우선인데, 우회전 차량 때문에 통행이 막힘.

아직은 버그가 많음.

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