[Cities: Skylines 2 - Scripts - Gameplay] AddressesCS2

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This mod is the successor of the CS1 homonimous mod. It allows changing vanilla methods of name generation to custom name sets.

You can find several name files at Addresses Files repository at GitHub. These files will work for both CS1 and CS2 versions of this mod.

NOTICE: Surname files are not compatible with the CS2 version. To make them compatible, open the file and remove all text like {0} from the file.

BepInEx 5 only!

Current features

  • In-game filename viewer, showing the weight of each word.
    • Words with a higher weight tends to appear more frequently
    • Raise word weight by creating several lines with same content in the name file.
  • Organize your file names using subfolder in the names folder (NEW)
  • Choose files to override name generation of:
    • bad peaks
    • Female peaks
    • Surnames (are last names as default, but may be inverted to follow oriental standard)
    • Dogs (NEW)
    • Roads (Global and by district)
    • Districts
  • Roads qualifier rules editor (NEW)
    • Use ingame UI to create several rules to differentiate streets, avenues, highways, etc by their characteristics
    • Very limited options to customization at this moment, might be enhanced later
  • Use district and road names to name your public transport stations!



Extra UI Screen



Experimental mod warning!

This mod may cause issues in the game due their early stage of development. This may be updated in the future until the official platform PDXMods get done and released

Known issues and bugs

  • Due COUI (game UI framework) limitations, there are no scrollbars in the screens for now - it may be reviewed sometime in the future.
  • Limited support to Portuguese language


All credits to klyte45!



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Hi. I am using BepInEx 5. Installed both the mod as well as the pre-requisite in the plugins folder but cant see anything different other than a couple mentions on the Options menu, quoting the mod but no real capability being accessible. I also got some 404 errors when loading the city... Is there an installation user guide? I thought I was doing all correct but not sure anymore :(

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1 hour ago, Robert Ettinger said:

Hi. I am using BepInEx 5. Installed both the mod as well as the pre-requisite in the plugins folder but cant see anything different other than a couple mentions on the Options menu, quoting the mod but no real capability being accessible. I also got some 404 errors when loading the city... Is there an installation user guide? I thought I was doing all correct but not sure anymore :(

Did you get the actual language files from the github?
I've uploaded them here now too so they can't be missed.

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This is the error I get when I start up the game:

[ERROR]  ResourceHandler: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
    URL: coui://euis.k45/UI/esos/index.html
Colossal.Logging.CustomLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
UnityEngine.Logger:LogFormat(LogType, String, Object[])
Colossal.Logging.UnityLogger:Log(Level, String, Exception)
Colossal.Logging.UnityLogger:ErrorFormat(String, Object, Object)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

... If I select "Continue" the same error will appear after loading a city.



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1 hour ago, Robert Ettinger said:

This is the error I get when I start up the game:

[ERROR]  ResourceHandler: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
    URL: coui://euis.k45/UI/esos/index.html
Colossal.Logging.CustomLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
UnityEngine.Logger:LogFormat(LogType, String, Object[])
Colossal.Logging.UnityLogger:Log(Level, String, Exception)
Colossal.Logging.UnityLogger:ErrorFormat(String, Object, Object)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

... If I select "Continue" the same error will appear after loading a city.

Did you setup ExtraUIScreens properly and is it loading?


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