[Cities: Skylines 2 - Maps] Jacksonville - Florida

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Jacksonville - Florida


Jacksonville, FL is based off of real life Jacksonville, FL, USA. It is fairly flat map with the wide and slow flowing St Johns River cutting right through the middle.



Fertile Land

All land has been made fertile so that you can choose to have your farms wherever you wish.


Plenty of Oak and Pine trees have been placed throughout the map varying from very dense forest to not so dense forest.

Ore and Oil

Ore and Oil has been placed throughout the map and should be enough for all Ore and Oil needs.



The map has connections for all modes of transportation


How to Install

-Unpack and copy to the following directory: %Users%\AppData\LocalLow\Colossal Order\Cities Skylines II\Maps --If the Maps folder does not exist then you will need to create it

-Additionally an Automatic Map Installer is available within the .zip file



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