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Whiteshark Cheat Overhaul 0.3.24

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PowerPlants_Consumption_Pollution_Production Mod

Tweaks the Consumption & Pollution & Production of PowerPlants to make the number of PowerPlants required more sane/realistic.

Affected Buildings:

  • Gas PowerPlant
  • Small Coal PowerPlant


  • Upkeep = 50
  • Garbage Accumulation = 0
  • Water Consumption = 0


  • Air Pollution = 0
  • Ground Pollution = 0
  • Noise Pollution = 0


  • Electricity Production = 1000MW

WaterPump_Consumption_Pollution_Production Mod

Tweaks the Consumption & Pollution & Production of WaterPump to make the number of WaterPump required more sane/realistic.

Affected Buildings:

  • Water PumpingStation


  • Upkeep = 50
  • Garbage Accumulation = 0
  • Electricity Consumption = 0


  • Noise Pollution = 0


  • Capacity = 1.000.000

Transformer Station Mod

Tweaks the Consumption & Pollution & Production of Transformer Station to make the number of Transformer Station required more sane/realistic.

Affected Buildings:

  • Transformer Station


  • Upkeep = 50
  • Garbage Accumulation = 0


  • Noise Pollution = 0

Server Farm Mod

Tweaks the Consumption & Pollution & Production of Server Farm to make the number of Server Farm required more sane/realistic.

Affected Buildings:

  • Server Farm


  • Upkeep = 50
  • Garbage Accumulation = 0
  • Electricity Consumption = 0
  • Water Consumption = 0


  • Noise Pollution = 0


  • Range = 12500
  • Network Capacity = 200.000

Garbage Truck Mod

Tweaks the Capacity & Unload speed of Garbage Truck to make the number of Garbage Truck required more sane/realistic.

Affected Vehicle:

  • Garbage Truck


  • Capacity = 80t
  • Unload Speed 10t

Public Transport Bus Mod

Tweaks the Capacity & Maintenance Radius of Public Transport Bus to make the number of Public Transport Bus required more sane/realistic.

Affected Vehicle:

  • Public Transport Bus
  • Public Transport Bus Electrical
  • Public Transport Bus Emergency Shelter Evacuation


  • Capacity = 1000
  • Maintenance Radius 10.000

Parking Garage Mod

Tweaks the Capacity & Comfort of Parking Garage to make the number of Parking Garage required more sane/realistic.

Affected Buildings:

  • Overground Parking
  • Underground Parking


  • Capacity = 1000
  • Comfort = 100

Public Park Mod

Tweaks the Capacity & Attaction of Public Parks to make the number of Public Parks required more sane/realistic.

Affected Buildings:

  • Small Park
  • Small Plaza
  • Large City Park
  • Large Plaza


  • Garbage Accumulation = 0
  • Electricity Consumption = 0
  • Water Consumption = 0


  • Range = 100.000
  • Capacity = 20.000
  • Magnitude = 50


  • Attraction = 50.000


  • Efficiency = 50

Wastewater Treatment Plant Mod

Tweaks the Consumption & Pollution & Production of Wastewater Treatment Plant to make the number of Wastewater Treatment Plant required more sane/realistic.

Affected Buildings:

  • Wastewater Treatment Plant


  • Upkeep = 50
  • Garbage Accumulation = 0


  • Air Pollution = 0
  • Ground Pollution = 0
  • Noise Pollution = 0


  • Capacity = 10.000.000
  • purification = 1

Pop Musician Mansion Mod

Tweaks the Wellbeing & Radius of Pop Musician Mansion to make the Pop Musician Mansion more sane/realistic.

Affected Buildings:

  • Pop Musician Mansion


  • wellbeing = 10.000
  • radius = 50.000

Public Transport Train Mod

Tweaks the Capacity & Maintenance Radius of Public Transport Train to make the number of Public Transport Train required more sane/realistic.

Affected Vehicle:

  • Public Transport Train Engine
  • Public Transport Train Car


  • Capacity = 1000 (8.000 total)
  • Maintenance Radius 10.000

Public Transport Subway Mod

Tweaks the Capacity & Maintenance Radius of Public Transport Subway to make the number of Public Transport Subway required more sane/realistic.

Affected Vehicle:

  • Public Transport Subway Engine
  • Public Transport Subway Car


  • Capacity = 1000 (8.000 total)
  • Maintenance Radius 10.000

Public Transport Tram Mod

Tweaks the Capacity & Maintenance Radius of Public Transport Tram to make the number of Public Transport Tram required more sane/realistic.

Affected Vehicle:

  • Public Transport Tram Engine
  • Public Transport Tram Car


  • Capacity = 1000 (3.000 total)
  • Maintenance Radius 10.000

Post Office Mod

Tweaks the Capacity of Post Office to make the number of Post Office required more sane/realistic.

Affected Buildings:

  • Post Office


  • MailStorage Capacity = 1.000.000
  • MailBox Capacity = 3000
  • PostVan Capacity = 50

#Garbage Incinerator Plant Mod Tweaks the Consumption & Pollution & Production of Garbage Incinerator Plant to make the number of Garbage Incinerator Plant required more sane/realistic.

Affected Buildings:

  • Garbage Incinerator Plant


  • Upkeep = 50
  • Water Consumption = 0


  • Ground Pollution = 0
  • Air Pollution = 0
  • Noise Pollution = 0


  • Garbage Capacity = 3.000.000
  • Vehicle Capacity = 100




  • This mod requires BepInEx 5
  • Just place the mod (folder) in ...\Cities Skylines II\BepInEx\plugins\



What's New in Version 0.3.15   See changelog



0.3.15 Added:

Nuclear Powerplant
Emergency Battery Station
Solar Power Station
Geothermal Power Plant
Groundwater Pumping Station
Desalination Plant / Advanced Water Pumping Station
Water Tower
Sewage Outlet
Medical Clinic


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