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1 Screenshot

About This File


This is successor from both Transport Lines Manager (TLM) and Improved Transport Manager (ITM) from CS1 by klyte45.

The overall idea is bring some tools to better manage and visualize the public transport of the city.
BepInEx 5 only!

Current features

  • Auto color - import palettes to the city then apply to transport type
    • 20+ default palletes included.
    • Create your own palettes using the game UI
    • Palettes can be grouped in "folders" to organize better your library
    • Palettes used in the city are now saved along them. No more issues if changing the global palettes!
  • Line listing - Very simple by now, might be improved in the future
  • Detailed linear map - View detailed info about stops, vehicles and also transport integrations
  • Customize line naming - You can use the game name pattern to use the route identifier as you wish, using any kind of characters
  • Lines shields - like it was in TLM:
    • Hexagon for buses
    • Trapeze for trams
    • Square for metro
    • Circle for passenger trains
    • Diamond for passenger ships
    • Pentagon for passenger airplanes
    • Octogon for freight trains (NEW)
    • 8-point star for freight ships (NEW)
    • Thick square cross for freight airplanes (NEW)



Extra UI Screen



Experimental mod warning!

Since it's a very complex mod, it may cause issues in the game due their early stage of development. This mod may take months until get the same number of features it had in CS1.

Known issues and bugs

  • Due COUI (game UI framework) limitations, there are no scrollbars in the screens for now - it may be reviewed sometime in the future.
  • There are some unfinished tabs accessible in current version, just ignore them
  • Portuguese locale is partially done.


Full credits to klyte45!


Edited by Klabbersack

What's New in Version 0.0.2   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

User Feedback

Recommended Comments

Good one, does it already have vehicle select script ready? Will be used for our added vehicle pool from an army of modelers, like in old times...

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